How to Cure a Sick Weeping Willow
The long, drooping branches of the weeping willow (Salix spp.) Trail romantically, such as slim fingers tracing a beloved’s cheek. But much of romance is awful and fortune does not always grin on the weeping willow. This mighty tree using its invasive roots only does not belong in most residential backyards, according to horticulturists at North Dakota State University. The willow is happiest and healthiest if implanted with plenty of elbowroom and also a peaceful riverbank at U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6 through 9. If you’ve got an unhappy willow in your lawn, consider whether its basic needs are met prior to attempting a pest or disease identification.
Go through the list of a willow’s basic care conditions to make certain they are being met. Weeping willows thrive in partial shade to full sun and do best in well-draining soil with ample irrigation. They require room for canopy and roots to spread; these willows can grow to 70 feet in width and height using proportionate roots. If your willow needs transplanting, act sooner rather than later.
Inspect the tree trunk and branches to get clues to the problem. Determine whether the affected branches have broken in high end. All young weeping willows require pruning to form a strong central trunk and base branches. Prune any broken branches instantly, making the cuts 6 ins into healthy wood at a strong lateral branch. When the tree is dormant, remove all branches with narrow crotch angles.
Catch the tree strictly alone if you transplanted it recently. It is probably suffering from transplant shock. All you can do at this stage is to make certain it gets ample water, avoid fertilizing the tree and wait to see what happens.
Look for insects around the tree and for holes in the trunk or branches. Common pests of the weeping willow comprise scales, caterpillars, borers and aphids. You normally won’t spot borers, but they drill holes into the tree and the leaves turn yellow and drop. All these insects can be controlled, even if caught early, with suitable pesticides.
Inspect leaves for spots or powder. Red leaf patches indicate fungi. Raised dark spots point to tar spot. Yellow spots suggest rust. A white leaf layer means powdery mildew. None of these diseases is sufficiently dangerous to warrant spraying. Clean up fallen leaves and burn them. If you see spots or cankers on the branches, trim all affected branches and burn them off.