Ways to Hang a Scarf Valance at a Bay Window
Bay windows add beauty to any home by creating an alcove in which to put a sofa table, Christmas tree, or any piece you want to showcase. In addition to providing an extended view of the outdoors, bay windows are a chance for hanging and draping scarf valances, also referred to as window scarves.
Need to Know Info
The typical length of a commercially created scarf valance is 18 feet (216 inches); they are typically made from sheer material, like crushed voile (crinkle sheer) or organza, for draping. The most frequent kinds of hardware used to hang scarf valances are poles or poles together with brackets, hooks, pegs, swag holders and tiebacks. The way you want to hang the swag determines which kind of hardware to use.
It’s a Wrap
Among the easiest ways to decorate a bay window with a valance scarf is to wrap the valance about a 1 to 2-inch rod. Install the mounts. Begin by draping one end over the pole out from behind; wrap the scarf valance around the pole three or four times, with the ends hanging down on the outside of both side windows. For each wrap, pull down the material to get a swag look; the swags hang over and under the pole. The pole is visible so select a decorative rod which complements your decor. Insert decorative finials on each end of the pole. For an overlapped look, wrap on the valance around the pole or rod a few more times, then nudging the swags closer together. Arrange the swags so that the rod or rod is not visible. For an asymmetrical look, pull one end of the valance so that it’s a foot or two longer than the other.
Double Vision
For a fuller, two-toned look, use another valance of another colour or pattern to curtain under, then over, the swags of their very first valance. Arrange the swags of the valances to make all of them the same length, or curtain the swags of their second valance so that they are broader than the swags of their first. Up the elegance by installing a panel of sheered curtains underneath that match one of the valances.
Got It Pegged
Use decorative hooks or pegs to hang your valance, draping it so that you swag hangs over each window. First, set four pins for draping the valance, one each on the outside of this set of two and windows involving the windows. Again, make an asymmetrical look by pulling one end longer than the other. For a more elegant look, use a longer valance that extends to the floor and hang sheer curtain panels under the valance. For a more casual look, use a briefer valance that ends only partway down the outside of both side windows. Utilize swag holders rather than hooks or pegs to make a swirled knotted look on each side of the windows.
Between the Swags
Install six pegs, one on each side of every one of these windows. Pleat and curtain a swag across the very first window; then drape a small, thin swag about a foot or two in length on the left side of this middle window. Continue draping a swag across the middle window, another small swag on the ideal side of the middle window. Finish up with a swag across the previous window. You will have five swags total: 3 stretching across each window and two small swags in between each larger swag.
Arches and Tassles
In case you have palladium — arched — style bay windows, try hanging a scarf valance from the upper center of each window by means of a tieback or peg, and let the ends hang evenly on each side. Draw back the conclusion of the valance on each side with decorative tiebacks partway down the amount of the outside windows. Hang a big tassel from the center tieback or peg if desired. Or, drape your valance at swags straight across the palladium windows with hooks or docks.
Frame the Appearance
Two extended valances may be used to make a framed look between each window. Install four hooks, two on either side of the outside windows, and two involving the 3 windows. Keeping the finish long, drape one valance over the first hook and across the left outside window. Keep on draping over the next hook and across the middle window, letting the brief end hang down on the ideal side of the middle window. Repeat with the other valance, starting from the ideal side window, so that the brief end hangs down on the left side of this middle window. For a much more creative look, use two distinct colours of valances.
Together Discussing
Install three poles that fit every one of the windows and curtain three person valances at a swag over each window. Arrange both valances over the outside window so that the outside end hangs longer. This will visually group the windows as well as a set, rather than as three separate windows.
Keeping It Simple
Among the easiest ways to decorate your bay windows is to install two limbs, pegs or swag holders on either side of your bay windows. Stretch one long valance in one swag across the full bay window, letting the ends hang evenly on each side. Or, if a single valance isn’t long enough, then use two valances and tie or wrap them in the middle. Insert an ethereal look by draping white twinkle lights over the valance. Or, for a more natural appeal, then use a silk vine of ivy instead.